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Amy Keed Donates Over 100 Chemo Bag Items for Cancer Patients.

Cancer patients undergoing chemo therapy can experience a wide range of discomfort .

Cancer patients undergoing chemo therapy can experience a wide range of discomfort including dry skin and lips, metallic taste, hair loss and even boredom from being in the hospital for hours at a time to receive treatment.

Keed Cosmetics donated 150 mineral organic base lip balms for Patients to relieve their dry and cracking lips which is a common side effect with Chemo therapy.

A local organization called the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in Nevada, sole purpose is to provide a one stop information center for pancreatic cancer. The organization's latest project includes providing chemo bags to help patients cope more comfortably during treatments.

Ways to help

Amy Keed is the owner of Keed Cosmetics, LLC which features beauty products ranging from make up to skin care and body care. Keed Cosmetics has donated 150 mineral organic base lip balms to cancer patients to relieve their dry and cracking lips which is a common side effect with chemo therapy. Chemo bags will be distributed every year to local hospitals, nursing homes and to patient’s homes. Each chemo bag features Keed Cosmetics Lip balm, headwear for hair loss, hard candy for nausea and dry mouth, travel tissues, hand sanitizers and journals, to name a few items.

To sign up and receive a complimentary chemo bag, please click here.

For more information and resources regarding pancreatic cancer, please visit the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s website at

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